Black Pleated Skirt
November 11, 2019The downside on autumn and having a blog is definitely switching from Daylight Saving Time back to standard time....
Holiday in Montenegro
November 2, 2019After working long hours in the office during the peaks of summer, it was finally time to go on...
Hot for the spot
July 18, 2019When I first saw this dress I wanted it so badly, but the timing to buy it (even though...
Birthday Pizza
June 27, 2019Today I celebrated my 31st birthday! It’s insane how fast time flies by. Luckily, I had already survived the...
Yellow spring flower fields
May 13, 2019How amazing is it, when you're randomly driving around on a slow Sunday, and you end up in the...
Neutrals on Mallorca
April 5, 2019We were just cruising around the island when I saw these giant aloe vera plants. I really wanted to...
Flared pants and pink walls on Mallorca
April 1, 2019We took an early flight from Dusseldorf to Mallorca, therefore we skipped a night to catch the plane. The...
Beige coat & comfy sneakers
January 27, 2019Every three years I need to take an exam for my work to prove I'm up to date on...